Allow in the miner binary in your privacy & security settings
If you see the following pop up screen, you need to open your privacy settings yourself and allow the binary to run. Go to System settings > Privacy & Security > Security > click Allow Anyway
Finally, you should see a success terminal like this.
Part 2: Setup your wallet for mining
Create a wallet using SUI wallet chrome extension or any other usable tool.
Export its private key. Copy and save it somewhere, we will need that later.
Request test tokens from the faucet. Please run and replace <YOUR_ADDRESS> to your wallet address. You should receive 1000 or 5x200 test tokens.
Run it for 2 or 3 times to ensure you have 2000~3000 SUI balance. You can add the private network RPC to SUI wallet chrome extension
Ensure that you can see the balance from SUI wallet chrome extension.
Part 3: Setup the miner config
Setup your miner.json config file by running the make-config command
Replace the minerPrivateKey field of the miner.json with the private key associated to your Sui address. You can also choose a different minerName as you prefer.
1 {
2 // Name for your miner. This name will be shown in Suidaiya Explorer leaderboard if you enabled telemetry .
3 "minerName": "CHOOSE-YOUR-NAME",
5 // How many workers you want to run. Each worker will run on a separate CPU core
6 "workers": 6,
8 // Your private key. This is used to sign transactions and collecting your NFTs. Keep this safe.
9 "minerPrivateKey": "CHOOSE-PRIVATE-KEY",
11 // Network type. Can be mainnet, privnet or local
12 "networkType": "privnet",
14 // RPC URL for sui blockchain
15 "rpc": "",
17 // The SUI value you want to be wrapped in your NFTs. Denominated in MIST (1 SUI = 1000000000 MIST)
18 // Must be equal to or greater than 10000000000 MIST (10 SUI), and in string format.
19 "objectBalance": "10000000000",
21 // Time for the first x seconds of difficulty increase, we will not mint. Denominated in seconds. Default is 3 minutes.
22 // Must be a number between 0 and 240.
23 // 0 means don't wait at all during difficulty increase. 240 means wait for full period which will not in crease difficulty.
24 "mintDiffIncreaseWaitTime": 180,
26 // Wait a random amount of time between 0 and x seconds before minting. Denominated in seconds. Default i s 60 seconds.
27 // This is to prevent all miners from minting at the same time.
28 "mintRandomWaitTime": 60,
30 // Option for enabling/disabling telemetry report. If you don't want to appear in the miner leaderboard, set this to false.
31 "telemetryEnabled": true
32 }
Workers can be set to a number between 2 and your max CPU cores. You can start with 2 and increase by 1 to know which value can maximize the mining speed.
Don’t set it this value too high because we are just testing. Maximizing the mining speed will also produce more heat on your computer/server.
Part 4: Run the miner
Now run the following command to run the miner and if you see the following output, you know that the miner has started successfully:
./miner-macos-x64-ec7a715 start --config miner.json
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(node:84844) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `miner-macos-x64-ec7a715 --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
2:55:12 PM [Entry] INF: Wallet Address 0xf72c926e881d0bc4c2b3bcc962149670b12e024ab1431f8f6511aecddac50297
2:55:12 PM [ObjectService] INF: Service started: ObjectService
2:55:16 PM [ObjectService] INF: Basic Object ID: 0x014647aa1f7775d17766b56828720aef8aa28a2d1f3933071e255f9ba24d71f2
2:55:16 PM [ObjectService] INF: Gas Object ID: 0x0e2484a00d41496622b62d1a439b37d229f1655e905f98c79ae7bab4f4f310f4
2:55:16 PM [ObjectService] INF: Target Hash: 0x0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981
2:55:16 PM [MintService] INF: Service started: MintService
2:55:20 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 1
2:55:20 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 2
2:55:20 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 3
2:55:20 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 4
2:55:21 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 5
2:55:21 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Starting worker 6
2:55:21 PM [Worker@2] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [Worker@1] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [Worker@3] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [Worker@5] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [Worker@4] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [Worker@6] INF: Received new job. targetHash: 0000000333dccf2308cbd86a31dc6514d4d5f11dce17a12f750b41f31353d981; BufferLength: 296 bytes
2:55:21 PM [MintService] INF: Fetched 15 objects
2:55:22 PM [MintService] INF: No object to mint
2:55:25 PM [PoWClusterManager] INF: Current Hashrate: 326.02KH/s
2:55:27 PM [MintService] INF: Fetched 15 objects
2:55:28 PM [MintService] INF: No object to mint